Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Is there a hope for someone who is lost? Is there a chance to redeem a fallen soul wretched corrupted for all eternity? Is there a place where one can spend a single second not experiencing pain suffering and agony? Why do everyone wishes to trouble the mind of a troubled man? Is there no way to escape the inescapable destiny? Time continues to flow amidst the chaos that surrounds man. Life will go on as long as there is a will but is will something that everyone has? Truly, everyone desires what they will never have. Everyone will steal for the sake that it will bring glory and joy to their burning souls. What is the purpose of living if you are already dead a long time ago? What is the point of continuing a quest that will never end, a journey encircling life and death without end. What do you wish to accomplish? In the end victory are only the dreams of losers for no one will ever be victorious. There is nothing here in this world that will satisfy your earthly desires. The mind is a powerful tool. To desire is human nature, to believe makes us man. Your time may end in a brink as the sand flows out. Can you not see the future? What lies behind the curtain is nothing but a fools imagination. Life is unpleasant but it is pleasant. The existence of one results to the existence of the other. But without the one true thing, one can never know. Truth are told as lies unfold. What is true may not be the truth for no one knows what lies in the abyss. No one can tell what really is coming. Everything is a dark mass of an unending unknown to everyone. Alas, darkness shall slowly envelope this world and everything we once believe shall be consumed by the very darkness we have created within us. Alas, doom is coming.

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