Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Have you ever felt that there was something missing but you have no idea what it was. We seek answers but we only find more questions not to enlighten but to trouble us more. The vicious cycle never ends as the sun rises from east to west. A part not simply forgotten but completely lost forever not knowing what really it was. I just couldn't help myself wonder how stupid I was or I am. Still memories fade like life as time continues to pour each second, each minute, each hour and each day as we continue to grow older and older. The fire within we call life slowly extinguishes until it is no more. The journey to my never ending quest has yet to begin. What I seek I do not know but I certainly do know that it was part of the past that I took for granted not realizing its true value. I have made a lot of mistakes, for each there is a high price to pay. I only hope that someday along the road I might stumble upon a devious rock that we call opportunity. Perhaps a second chance is still possible for a stubborn fool like me.

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